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Monday, October 08, 2007

Glimpses of Korea Calendar

The Glimpses of Korea theme is reflected in the photographs taken around the peninsula by a number of talented photographers and that provide glimpses of its diversity, colour and beauty. Korea4expats.com owes special thanks to all the photographers who submitted pictures for the calendar. Your interest and support is very much appreciated.

Glimpses of Korea includes works from the following photographers, Kristelle Darmet, Derek Winchester, Mairead McDaid, Gordana Hulina, Andi F. Yahya, YoungDoo Moon, Amber Peterson, Adam Parsons, Petra Walker, Lois Bridenback, Chris Van den Broeck, Balasubramanya Bhat, Jason Teale, Olivier Mouroux, Simon Bond and, on the cover, Cedar Bough Saeji. Thank you all very much.

[Finally... it's now available. Can't wait to see what it looks like.]

Monday, October 01, 2007

Just a Quote

When life is a tragedy...

...every day will be a drama.